Fourth Grade |
1992-93 |
Yohai was identified as a gifted child in third grade, and he began fourth grade in a different school, in the class for gifted children from the Haifa area.
He was interested in chess and sciences as hobbies, learned piano, Karate, robotics, and began learning English and Arabic in school.
His interest in cats was expressed in a long individual project he wrote for school (20 pages in Hebrew, of course).
Fourth-grade works on this English version of the site include comics he drew: one is the evolution of men from cats; another of his drawings are of Socks, the Presidential cat. Another set of comics shows various professions among which are a teacher, an "unemployed person," a policeman, a thief (with a play on words, it's someone who "crosses the line"). Yohai drew a self-portrait. There is a drawing of a "modern Arab house." |